Terms of Service for Free Tier:

By signing up with FreeDB, you agree to the following terms:

  • Your database must not contain any illegal content.
  • Your database size should not exceed 50MB.
  • Abuse of the service will result in termination.
  • If your database credentials are leaked on the internet, your account will be terminated.
  • Each individual is allowed to have only one account.
  • Disposable or temporary email accounts will be automatically terminated.
  • We reserve the right to change the Terms of Service with or without prior notification.
  • We reserve the right to delete, change, or edit your account or your content with or without prior notification, including cases arising from the abuse of these Terms.
  • Accounts and databases inactive for 30 days or more, such as not logging in to FreeDB.tech, will be subject to termination. We encourage users to regularly log in to maintain active status and prevent account and database termination.


FreeDB makes no guarantees regarding the proper operation, availability, or safety and security of the service.

FreeDB is NOT LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS. Use the service at your own risk.

Terms of Service for Pro Subscriptions:

  • Your database must not contain any illegal content.
  • All databases should not exceed 500MB in storage.
  • No refunds are applicable if cancellation is requested after 2 hours from the purchase.
  • Abuse of the service will result in termination.
  • If your database credentials are leaked on the internet, your account will be terminated.
  • Each individual is allowed to have only one account.
  • Disposable or temporary email accounts will be automatically terminated.
  • The database and its associated backups will be permanently deleted if two consecutive payment retries fail without any payment made.
  • Cancelling the subscription directly from paypal or card, will result in instant deletion of data and subscription.
  • We reserve the right to change the Terms of Service with or without prior notification.
  • We reserve the right to delete, change, or edit your account or your content with or without prior notification, including cases arising from the abuse of these Terms.

DISCLAIMER (Pro Subscription):

FreeDB makes no guarantees regarding the proper operation, availability, or safety and security of the service.

FreeDB is NOT LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS. Use the service at your own risk.